November 19th 2019 – Students, SBDC staff, and guests gathered to celebrate the successful completion of the 10-week entrepreneurial success workshop series (ESWS). The evening began with mingling amongst the attendees while enjoying refreshments. Afterwards, each student delivered their business pitch to a panel of judges for fresh feedback. Judges from this series included Israel Castro from Franklin Mint Credit Union, Elizabeth Le from Chase Bank, and Joe Nolan from The 504 Company. The judges and guests listened to eleven pitches from Philadelphia’s newest entrepreneurs with revolutionary ideas spanning from a new way to secure your bike in the bustling city to products to repel monsters under the bed. After the students shared their business plans that will shake the market, instructor Mark Corbin shared words of encouragement as he presented certificates to the students. With certificate in hand, each student will meet with SBDC consultants to help turn their business dreams into reality.
For many years, aspiring entrepreneurs have attended our short series to learn how to form a business plan. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur looking for guidance, the SBC will be hosting its next session this coming February, 2020. For more information, contact 215-204-3856 or email [click-for-email].