Honors Admissions

The Honors experience is exhilarating and rewarding but also challenging. We therefore admit only students who demonstrate the highest level of academic preparation.

The Fox School of Business and Management Honors Program, and the Temple University Honors Program, are available to students who have completed AP or high school honors courses with a 3.7 grade point average, rank in the top ten percent of their class, and score in the top percentiles (average 1420) on the SAT (Math and Critical Reading sections) or 32 ACT.

Freshman applicants are automatically reviewed for admission to the Honors Program if they are accepted to the University.

Continuing students earn secondary admission after completing at least 12 credits at Temple and earning at least a 3.7 GPA.

Transfer students who complete at least 24 credits at an accredited college and earn at least a 3.7 GPA may also apply.  All students must apply through the University Honors application site at this link:

Honors Program

And additional resources:

Temple University Admissions

Program Overview

The Fox School of Business Honors Program is an accelerated program. As a member of the honors community you engage in collaborative, interactive learning with gifted and motivated classmates — peers who take their studies seriously, support one another, and challenge themselves.

Honors students have the opportunity to enroll in course sections exclusively for honors students-classes taught by faculty committed to teaching and uniquely qualified to address the needs of their students. The smaller sections provide more personal attention and integrate technology into every aspect of the learning process. Enrollment is usually capped at 30 students so that classes can emphasize discussion, group presentations, case study analyses and researching actual business ventures.

The Fox School Honors Program integrates professional development into unique programs that help students build their careers. Through the Center for Student Professional Development (CSPD) honors students build outstanding job search skills, ethical standards. The CSPD works very closely with the 30 student professional organizations that represent each major and allow students to get involved within the Fox School immediately. These student professional organizations help students connect to students and faculty in their discipline and network with successful alumni and executives in the field in which they are studying. We even have one just for the business honors students: the Business Honors Student Association.

The FSBM Honors Program combines the benefits of a small program with the immense resources of a significant University located in one of the largest cities in the U.S.

Additional Requirements

Requirements for Fox Honors – ALL freshmen and transfers admitted BEFORE Fall 2021:

0-45 credits - 10 required + all ENG/IH
46-59 credits - 8 required + all ENG/IH
60+ credits - 6 required + all ENG/IH

1000 level2000 level3000/4000 level
10 requirement - choose 210 requirement - choose 510 requirement - choose 3
8 requirement - choose 08 requirement - choose 3-48 requirement - choose 4-5
6 requirement - choose 06 requirement - choose 1-26 requirement - choose 4-5
ECON 1902ACCT 2901 (fall only)FIN 3901
HRM 1901ACCT 2902 (spring only)MSOM 3901
LGLS 1901BA 2996BA 3902
STAT 1902MIS 2901BA 3903
 MKTG 2901BA 4901
 RMI 2901HRM 3903 (fall only)
 STAT 2903HRM 3904 (spring only)
ALL freshmen and transfers admitted IN or AFTER Fall 2021:

0-45 credits - 8 required + 2 non-Fox in honors (includes all ENG/IH)
46-59 credits - 6 required + 2 non-Fox in honors (includes all ENG/IH)
60+ credits - 4 required + 2 non-Fox in honors (includes all ENG/IH)

1000/2000 level3000/4000 level
8 requirement - choose 58 requirement - choose 3
6 requirement - choose 36 requirement - choose 3
4 requirement - choose 14 requirement - choose 3
ECON 1901 OR 1902FIN 3901
HRM 1901MSOM 3901
LGLS 1901BA 3902
STAT 1902BA 3903
STAT 2903BA 4901
ACCT 2901 (fall only)HRM 3903 (fall only)
ACCT 2902 (spring only)HRM 3904 (spring only)
MIS 2901 
MKTG 2901 
RMI 2901 
BA 2996 

There will be no exceptions made to switch students admitted prior to Fall 2021 to this set of requirements. Your requirements are determined by your entry date into the Fox Honors program.

Requirements for Fox Honors Statistical Science & Data Analytics majors

10 courses

1000 level (2 courses):

  • ECON 1901 (Macroeconomic Principles)
  • HRM 1901 (Leadership and Organizational Management)

2000 level (5 courses):

  • ACCT 2901 (Financial Accounting)
  • BA 2996 (Business Communications)
  • MKTG 2901 (Marketing Management)
  • RMI 2901 (Introduction to Risk Management)
  • STAT 2903 (Statistical Business Analytics)

1900-3900 Honors courses (3 courses, select from):

  • ACCT 2902 (Managerial Accounting)*
  • FIN 3901 (Financial Management)*
  • MSOM 3901 (Operations Management)#
  • HRM 3903 (Locker Room to Board Room)
  • HRM 3904 (Leadership)
  • Math 1941 (Calculus I)
  • Math 1942 (Calculus II)*ACCT 2902 and FIN 3901 would satisfy both Focus Area requirements for major#MSOM 3901 would satisfy one Focus Area requirement for major (along with SCM 3515/3516)
Requirements for Fox Honors Statistical Science & Data Analytics majors - Freshman and transfers

All students - 6 required + all ENG/IH

choose ANY 6 from: 
ECON 1901MKTG 2901
ECON 1902RMI 2901
HRM 1901ACCT 2902 (focus area, must pair with FIN, spring only)
STAT 2903FIN 3901 (focus area, must pair with ACCT)
ACCT 2901 (fall only)HRM 3903 (fall only)
BA 2996HRM 3904 (spring only)


Policies and Performance Assessment in the Business Honors Program

At the end of every semester, the Honors Programs evaluate student performance. If your current grade point average (GPA) is a 3.25 or greater and you have not gone more than one semester without taking an honors course, you are a member in Good Standing within the Fox and University Honors Programs. Students in good standing may continue to take honors courses. If you do not hear otherwise from an Honors staff member, you may assume that you are in good standing.

Students in Honors must complete at least: • 3 Honors classes by end of freshman year • 6 Honors classes by end of sophomore year • 8 Honors classes by end of junior year. Students who are not meeting satisfactory academic progress for Honors will be notified and asked to communicate back to the program. If the student does not respond by the date indicated in the correspondence, they will be dismissed from the Honors Program resulting in losing all Honors-related academic and financial benefits. Note: These progress benchmarks do not apply to students who transfer into the Honors Program, though transfer students should be taking Honors courses at a similar pace.

Students must maintain a 3.25 cumulative GPA to be in Honors good standing, thus remaining in the Honors Program. Cumulative GPA is reviewed annually (after spring semester grades are posted) and students that don’t meet the 3.25 GPA requirement are subject to dismissal from the Honors Program. Students who raise their cumulative GPA back to 3.25 or higher after being dismissed should contact the University Honors Program to ask for reinstatement. Dismissal from the Honors Program results in losing all Honors-related academic and financial privileges.

Please note that if you are demitted from Honors at any point, any Fox scholarship offered at the time of admission will be rescinded.

All of these regulations are aimed at doing everything we can to help students reach high levels of academic success. Remember, at all times we expect you to be full-time, matriculated students. If you have any questions about any of the policies, please see the staff in the Fox Honors office.

Fox Honors Leadership Requirement

In addition to the academic requirements of the program, all Fox students will also need to satisfy a co-curricular requirement by completing 250 Fox Leadership Development Program points in various competencies. If you have any questions about the FLDP Program please contact our FLDP representative.

Students who do not meet the annual minimum leadership point mark, even those who possess a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher, will be removed from the Fox Honors program. Please note that if you are demitted from Honors at any point, any Fox scholarship offered at the time of admission will be rescinded.

Temple Law Scholars Program

About the Program

  • Temple Law Scholars receive provisional admission* to Temple’s Beasley School of Law.
  • They complete undergraduate requirements in the Honors Program at The Fox School.
  • Those who wish additional work experience can defer matriculation into law school for a year.


4/3 Option: Enriched Experience

  • Temple Law Scholars receive a BBA upon completing four years of study at The Fox School, taking full advantage of the programs and services available to honors students.
  • They receive the degree of Juris Doctor upon successful completion of three years of study at Temple’s Beasley School of Law.


This program is open only to honors students with:

  • high class standing and SAT scores,
  • superior letters of recommendation,
  • exceptional writing skills as evidenced by a thoughtful, articulate essay on a topic assigned by the Temple Law Scholars Admission Committee
  • experience in community service and leadership positions
  • a genuine interest in the legal profession

This highly selective program provides:

  • Solid understanding of business and business practice as well as of legal studies
  • Enriched undergraduate experience both inside and outside the classroom, through curricular and co-curricular opportunities offered by The Fox School, its student professional organizations such as Phi Alpha Delta pre-law society, and its Center for Student Professional Development, special lectures and events; mentoring by both law school and legal studies faculty, students and administrators, visits to law school classes, and more.
  • Opportunities to gain experience through legal internships in the Philadelphia area.
  • Simultaneous admission to two internationally acclaimed colleges of a Research I University with campuses and programs throughout the Greater Philadelphia region and around the world.

* Matriculation into Temple’s Beasley School of Law depends upon: completing at least 93 credits of undergraduate work at The Fox School and a 3.45 grade point average; placing in the 80th percentile on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT).

For additional information, please contact:

Leora Eisenstadt
Assistant Professor, Legal Studies Department
Voice: 215.204.6672
e-mail: leora.eisenstadt@temple.edu

Dr. Paul Crowe
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Voice: 215.204.8591
e-mail: pcrowe@temple.edu