Fox School Leadership

  • Profile Picture of Chip Hunter

    Chip Hunter

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Office of the Dean

        • Dean

      • Management

        • Professor

Dean’s Office

  • Profile Picture of Elizabeth Gordon

    Elizabeth Gordon

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Accounting

        • Professor

      • Office of the Dean

        • Senior Associate Dean

  • Profile Picture of Sunil Wattal

    Sunil Wattal

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Management Information Systems

        • Professor

        • Schaefer Senior Research Fellow

      • Office of Research and Doctoral Programs

        • Associate Dean of Research and Doctoral Programs

  • Profile Picture of Crystal M. Harold

    Crystal M. Harold

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Management

        • Anderson Research Fellow

        • Associate Dean

  • Debbie Campbell

    Debbie Campbell

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Office of the Dean

        • Senior Vice Dean

  • Temple University Logo

    Robbie Campbell-Lissade

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Office of the Dean

        • Vice Dean of Finance

  • Chuck

    Charles Allen

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Office of the Dean

        • Associate Vice Dean

  • Chuck

    Charles Allen

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Office of the Dean

        • Associate Vice Dean

  • Chuck

    Charles Allen

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Office of the Dean

        • Associate Vice Dean

  • James Hansen

    James Hansen

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Development and Alumni Affairs

        • Assistant Dean