
Meet the Leaders

  • Profile Picture of Edo Airoldi

    Edo Airoldi

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations, and Data Science

        • Millard E. Gladfelter Professor

  • Profile picture Zoran Obradovic

    Zoran Obradovic

    • Fox School of Business

      • Data Science Institute

        • Laura H. Carnell Professor of Data Analytics

  • Profile Picture of Alan F Karr

    Alan F Karr

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations, and Data Science

        • Research Professor

Meet the Faculty

  • Profile Picture of Xue Bai

    Xue Bai

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations, and Data Science

        • Professor

        • Stauffer Senior Research Fellow

  • Profile Picture of Sudipta Basu

    Sudipta Basu

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Accounting

        • Professor

        • Stanley Merves Chair in Accounting, Information Technology and Management

  • Profile Picture of Konstantin Bauman

    Konstantin Bauman

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Management Information Systems

        • Assistant Professor

  • Profile Picture of Vishesh Karwa

    Vishesh Karwa

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations, and Data Science

        • Assistant Professor

  • Profile Picture of Subodha Kumar

    Subodha Kumar

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations, and Data Science

        • Paul R. Anderson Professor

  • Profile Picture of Kuang-Yao Lee

    Kuang-Yao Lee

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations, and Data Science

        • Associate Professor

  • Profile Picture of Kenichiro Mcalinn

    Kenichiro Mcalinn

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations, and Data Science

        • Assistant Professor

  • Profile picture Brian Rider

    Brian Rider

        • Professor

  • Profile Picture of Edward C. Rosenthal

    Edward C. Rosenthal

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations, and Data Science

        • Professor

  • Profile Picture of Sanat K. Sarkar

    Sanat K. Sarkar

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations, and Data Science

        • Cyrus C.K. Curtis Professor in Statistics

  • Profile Picture of Cheng Yong Tang

    Cheng Yong Tang

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations, and Data Science

        • Professor

        • Curtis Senior Research Fellow

  • Profile Picture of Zhigen Zhao

    Zhigen Zhao

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations, and Data Science

        • Associate Professor

        • Beury Research Fellow

  • Recai Yucel

    Recai Yucel

    • College of Public Health

      • Epidemiology and Biostatistics

        • Assistant Director of Biostatistics


  • Temple University Logo

    Luisa Fernholz

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations and Data Science

        • Professor Emerita

  • Temple University Logo

    Richard M. Heiberger

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations and Data Science

        • Professor Emeritus

  • Temple University Logo

    Francis Hsuan

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations and Data Science

        • Professor Emeritus

  • Temple University Logo

    Boris Iglewicz

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations and Data Science

        • Professor Emeritus

  • Temple University Logo

    Milton Parnes

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations and Data Science

        • Professor Emeritus

  • Temple University Logo

    Jagbir Singh

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations and Data Science

        • Professor Emeritus

  • Temple University Logo

    Woollcott Smith

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations and Data Science

        • Professor Emeritus

  • Temple University Logo

    Marcus J. Sobel

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations and Data Science

        • Associate Professor Emeritus