
The Data Science Institute (DSI) is the home to cutting-edge research in data science and analytics education at Temple University. Focusing on a wide range of challenging methodological and applied problems in statistics, computer science, and business disciplines, the faculty in the Data Science Institute works closely with private corporations, and non-profits, and government organizations to identify important problems, and to collaboratively develop sophisticated yet practical solution that are poised to have a substantial impact in the world.

Scholars and practitioners at Data Science Institute develop new lines of scientific inquiry, serve as a brain trust for the Great Philadelphia Metropolitan Area, and function as a bridge for translating research and ideas into knowledge, products, and best practice for industry, government, and society at large.

Featured Research Projects

The following highlight just a few on-going projects. For more stories of research impact, sign up to receive On the Verge, the Fox School’s flagship research magazine.

  • Social healthcare in Rural Honduras with the Human Nature Lab at Yale University
  • Search and Display Ad Auctions in the Tech Industry with the Market Optimization Algorithms group at Google in New York City
  • Aspects of Systematic Trading with the Global Equities Division at Wells Fargo Securities
  • Golf Analytics
  • Healthcare Analytics
  • Social Media
  • Profile Picture of Edo Airoldi

    Edo Airoldi

    • Fox School of Business and Management

      • Statistics, Operations, and Data Science

        • Millard E. Gladfelter Professor

  • Profile picture Zoran Obradovic

    Zoran Obradovic

    • Fox School of Business

      • Data Science Institute

        • Laura H. Carnell Professor of Data Analytics