Academic Advisory Board Member

Jean-Pierre Dubé


Jean-Pierre Dubé is the Sigmund E. Edelstone Professor of Marketing and Robert King Steel Faculty Fellow at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He studies empirical quantitative marketing and empirical industrial organization, with specific interests in pricing, advertising, branding, internet marketing, retailing, and dynamic decision-making. Dubé’s work has been published in the The American Economic ReviewEconometricaThe Journal of Marketing ResearchThe Journal of Political EconomyManagement ScienceMarketing ScienceQuantitative Marketing and Economics and The Rand Journal of Economics. He is an area/associate editor for The Journal of Marketing ResearchManagement ScienceMarketing Science, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics.


Amindya Ghose



Anindya Ghose is a Professor of Information, Operations and Management Sciences and a Professor of Marketing at New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business. He is the co-Director of the Center for Business Analytics at NYU Stern. He is the Robert L. & Dale Atkins Rosen Faculty Fellow and a Daniel P. Paduano Fellow of Business Ethics at NYU Stern. He has been a Visiting Associate Professor at the Wharton School of Business. His research analyzes the economic consequences of internet and mobile technologies on industries and markets transformed by their shared infrastructure. Professor Ghose has published in Management ScienceInformation Systems ResearchMarketing ScienceMIS Quarterly, the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, and Statistical Science.


Dominique (Mike) Hanssens


Dominique (Mike) Hanssens is the Bud Knapp Professor of Marketing at the UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management. He has served as the school’s faculty chair, associate dean, and marketing area chair. From July 2005 to June 2007 he served as Executive Director of the Marketing Science Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Dr. Hanssens’ research focuses on strategic marketing problems, in particular marketing productivity, to which he applies his expertise in data-analytic methods such as econometrics and time-series analysis. Professor Hanssens has served as an area editor for Marketing Science and an associate editor for Management Science. His papers have appeared in the leading academic and professional journals in marketing, economics, and statistics.


Robert Meyer


Robert Meyer is the Gayfryd Steinberg Professor and Co-Director of Wharton’s Risk Management and Decision Processes Center. He is a noted scholar whose research focuses on consumer decision analysis, sales response modeling, and decision making under uncertainty. Professor Meyer’s work has appeared in a wide variety of professional journals and books, including the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing ResearchMarketing Science, and Management Science. He is currently the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Marketing Research, and has previously served as co-editor of Marketing Letters, and associate editor of the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, and Marketing Science.  He also serves on the editorial review board of several major journals. As co-director of Wharton’s Risk center, some of Professor Meyer’s recent research has focused on how individuals decide to invest in mitigation against low-probability, high-consequence events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and financial losses.


Roland T. Rust

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Roland T. Rust is the Distinguished University Professor and David Bruce Smith Chair in Marketing at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, where he is founder and Executive Director of two research centers: the Center for Excellence in Service and the Center for Complexity in Business. He is also Visiting Chair in Marketing Science at Erasmus University (Netherlands) and International Research Fellow of Oxford University’s Center for Corporate Reputation (UK). He has won numerous lifetime achievement honors, best article, and best book awards. He served as Editor of the Journal of Marketing, founded the annual Frontiers in Service Conference, and was founding Editor of the Journal of Service Research. He is an Academic Trustee of the Marketing Science Institute and is Vice President of External Relations for the European Marketing Academy. He has also consulted with many leading companies worldwide.


K. Sudhir

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K. Sudhir is the James L. Frank Professor of Marketing, Private Enterprise, and Management and director of the Yale China India Insights (CIIP) Program. His research focuses on gaining market insights by analyzing consumer and firm actions through econometric modeling. As director of the China India Insights Program, he also specializes in research on consumers in emerging markets. He has consulted for Fortune 500 U.S. firms and Indian firms across many industries such as technology, financial services, entertainment, and retailing, specializing in analyzing their internal data to obtain actionable market insights. Professor Sudhir serves as an associate editor at Marketing ScienceJournal of Marketing ResearchManagement Science, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics and on the editorial boards of the Journal of Marketing, and the Journal of Retailing.


Russell S. Winer

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Russell S. Winer is the William H. Joyce Professor of Marketing and Chair of the Marketing Department at New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business. Professor Winer has written three books, Marketing Management, Analysis for Marketing Planning and Product Management, and a research monograph, Pricing, and has authored more than 70 papers in marketing on a variety of topics including consumer choice, marketing research methodology, marketing planning, advertising, and pricing. Professor Winer has served two terms as the editor of the Journal of Marketing Research, he is the past co-editor of the Journal of Interactive Marketing and is currently an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Research in Marketing. He is the co-editor of the Review of Marketing Science, and he is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, and Marketing Science.


Industry Advisory Board Member

Greg Dowling – Senior Manager, EY

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An expert in mobile measurement and enterprise analytics with eighteen years in the industry, Greg is a Senior Manager within EY’s Enterprise Intelligence – Digital Analytics advisory practice. Formerly, Greg was the head of Semphonic’s New York office (acquired by EY in March 2013) and led their mobile strategy and measurement practice. Prior to Semphonic, Greg was Head of Analysis for Nokia’s Services Intelligence & Analytics organization and responsible for the analysis of all consumer data within the organization’s Music, Media, Messaging, Games, and Social Location domains. He was also Vice President of Strategy & Analysis for Digitas, where he led web analytics efforts for clients including Delta, Kraft, Heineken, and Time Warner Cable. Greg has also worked for Jupiter Research as a senior analyst focused on the best practices for Web site operations including web site analytics, site search, content management and usability. Prior to JupiterResearch, Greg was Senior Manager of Strategic Web Analysis for Scholastic Inc., Director of Web Design & Production for Cendant Marketing Group, and Regional Operations Manager for an online database service distributing digital maps and data to the environmental consulting industry. Greg began his career as a professional Geologist supporting clients such as Mobil, Shell, and Exxon.

Chris Johannessen

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VP eCommerce for Springleaf Financial, as of December 2015. In his new role, Chris leads a team of digital, omnichannel marketing and customer experience analysts, data visualization + optimization specialists, and eCommerce strategy experts who are tasked with helping to drive innovation across Springleaf. Prior to Springleaf, Chris was the Director of Digital Analytics at TPG Direct/Omnicom, where he oversaw a digital analytics, optimization, multichannel analytics and digital + mobile strategy team; before TPG, Chris served as the Digital Marketing Analytics Lead at Barclaycard US/Barclays, where he focused on digital analytics, testing and optimization across Barclaycard’s credit card, internet banking and emergent mobile payments (wallet) platforms. Chris has also served as the Analytics Product Manager for GSI Commerce/eBay Enterprise – as well as in a variety of digital marketing, analytics and product management roles during a lengthy tenure with General Electric, where he received several GE awards for SEO, internet marketing, analytics and knowledge management, and filed several US Patent applications, resulting in two US Patents thus far – with another US Patent application still pending.

In addition to his work with Springleaf, Chris is deeply involved with global digital analytics, data science and marketing analytics communities and academic research centers. He notably serves on the Research Council of the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative; on the Industry Advisory Board of Temple University’s Global Center for Big Data and Mobile Analytics; as an advisor to Becker College’ nascent Data Science program; and as a Philadelphia Co-Chapter leader for the Digital Analytics Association. Chris’ most recent honor was being named to the Editorial Board and Book Editor of the international Journal of Applied Marketing Analytics, which he recently served as Guest Editor of a special edition on Mobile Analytics (1Q 2015). Chris is also a data + analytics events volunteer for Philly Tech Week, and is very involved with the annual Philadelphia Digital Analytics Association Symposium. Chris has been, and continues to be, a speaker at analytics & innovation venues such as NetFinance, eMetrics, Digital Analytics Association Symposia, the Ernst & Young Semphonic XChange, Wharton School (Penn) Customer Analytics Initiative and Mack Institute technology conferences, and other locales. Chris is a very active participant in analytics, Big Data and optimization hashtags on Twitter, and periodically posts content to LinkedIn; follow him at @measurefuture on Twitter or at on LinkedIn.

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