The Future of Global Strategy Mar. 13, 2023 In the 20th century, the top global businesses found success by being big. Is this still the case? At a Glance Business Strategy How Did the Indian Premier League Reach New Heights? Jan. 31, 2023 The Indian Premier League, whose brand value now exceeds six billion U.S. dollars, took unprecedented strategies to achieve this exceptional success. At a Glance Accounting & Finance Costs and Benefits of Including Insurance in National Accounting Standards Nov. 18, 2022 Outside of the United States, countries are overhauling accounting standards for insurance companies. Will these changes be worth the costs? At a Glance International Business Core-Periphery Perspective: A New Line of Research Sep. 12, 2022 How often do firms in peripheral economies hire foreign inventors from core economies? How about vice-versa? At a Glance International Business When should firms pay more to hire internationally? Sep. 9, 2022 Depending on the production process, it may be worth it to pay more for workers in economically advantaged countries. At a Glance Business Strategy Do senior executives still need to travel to conduct business? May 23, 2022 Given the ease of virtual communication in the modern age, business travel might seem unnecessary. Senior executives still think it is worth the price. At a Glance International Business Why value surveys struggle to accurately capture culture May 13, 2022 A statistical analysis reveals a major flaw in using “value surveys” to measure culture quantitatively. At a Glance Accounting & Finance Using Language to Identify Underserved Groups Feb. 21, 2022 Amir Shoham uses gendered language marking to demonstrate that global microfinance institutions are targeting services to women in most need. At a Glance Accounting & Finance Acquisitions: Do They Benefit the Firm or the Individual? Jan. 19, 2022 CEOs may pursue value-destroying acquisitions to increase their personal wealth. At a Glance Accounting & Finance How Geographic Diversification in Banks Drives Innovation Oct. 18, 2021 How does freeing banks from geographic regulations help fuel corporate innovation? Quick Read Business Strategy Risk Management Strategies for Global Crisis Oct. 11, 2021 Subsidiary insurance companies can help owners safeguard against economic disaster. Quick Read International Business The Gender Roles Mirror Sep. 27, 2021 What can the roots of language tell us about gender inequality in business? Quick Read Innovation How can innovation generate global prosperity? Aug. 27, 2021 Innovation is the mainspring of prosperous economies and a key component to alleviating humanity’s problems. Watch & Discover International Business How business culture can bring government and small business together Aug. 13, 2021 Business culture can contribute to or inhibit success when small businesses work with government organizations. At a Glance Watch & Discover Accounting & Finance Measuring the impact of depreciation on R&D Mar. 19, 2021 This research introduces a more accurate time-varying depreciation rate and studies the effect of time-varying depreciation on R&D investment demand. At a Glance Pagination 1 2 Next