Fox International Graduate Student Resources

You Are Welcome Here

At Temple University’s Fox School of Business, we have a longstanding commitment to diversity and to our global community. The Fox School is a welcoming environment of collaboration, where students representing many countries share ideas and new business approaches with each other and our faculty and staff. The work and research produced at the Fox School thrives on the cultural richness of our community, and we encourage the sharing of new ideas.

We support your success from day one, and we value your individual perspective. You are welcome here at the Fox School of Business.

This page is designed to provide Fox international graduate students with useful information and helpful resources to support a successful and rewarding experience.  Students are also encouraged to visit Temple University’s International Student and Scholar Services website for additional information and support. Please review the International Students FAQ and Resource guide for information and answers to your questions about life in Philadelphia, Temple University campus safety and resources and housing options for international students.

Frequently Asked Questions

Reference the chart below to determine whether or not you need to apply for an I-20 given your current status

Current StatusNeed an I-20?Next Steps
I do not currently live in the US but I am accepted into FOX graduate program.YesOnce you submit your deposit, you can begin to upload documents in TU Portal and complete I-20 application.
I am currently living in US and attending school (F-1 or J-1 status) but I need to transfer my Visa sponsorshipYes – You will need to request a transfer of your SEVIS recordYou must contact the ISSS office at your current school to inform them of your request to transfer to Temple. Your current school will work with you to submit the necessary documents for transfer. You will still need to submit required I-20 documents to Temple University.
I am currently living in US in a status other than F-1 or J-1 (such as H-1, H-4, J-2) and need to change my non-immigrant statusYes – You will need to submit request for Change of Status.You must complete and submit your I-20 form and then refer to instructions found on ISSS website here to request a change of status.
My current non-immigrant status is H-1, H-4 or J-2 and I do NOT want to change my status.NoYou must email ISSS to submit your request to maintain your current status and provide a copy of I-94 card. You can obtain an I-94 card here.
I am a permanent resident of the US.NoYou must email ISSS office a copy of your alien registration document- include full name and TUID on email.
I am a current Temple student but I was accepted into a new program or I am planning to change programs.Yes – But you need to file a request for a Change of Level.You can access a request form here but it must be completed within 15 days of first day of new level/program.

In order to begin your I-20 application you must first submit your application deposit. After you submit your deposit you will receive your TU ID and login credentials to access TU Portal.If you have not submitted your deposit, you can begin to collect your documents required for your I-20.  Click here for a list of acceptable documents.

For your I-20 application, you will need to provide the following financial documents that will confirm your ability to cover the cost of your program at Temple.  Not all students will provide all documents listed below; however, please be prepared to provide documentation for all those that apply to you:

  1. Bank Statement
  2. Employment Letter- company sponsor
  3. Affidavit of Support- Private sponsor
  4. Assistantship/ Scholarship letter from Temple University
  5. Government Scholarship
  6. Company Scholarship

Reference the list of Acceptable types of Financial Documentation at the bottom of the page, for a more detailed description of each financial document.

In order to determine the total cost of attendance of your program for your I-20:

  1. Use the Fox Program Cost of Attendance chart below to determine your yearly cost. This will include tuition, fees, room and boarding, etc.
  2. If you are receiving a scholarship- subtract the yearly (not total) scholarship amount from the total tuition and fees. This is the amount to report for your I-20.

You should submit the I-20 application not later than 30 days prior to the start of your program. Once you have paid your deposit and received any scholarship letters, you can complete the application.   Once you have completed your deposit and received your TU login credentials, you can upload documents through your TU Portal. In order to check the status of your submitted documents, students can login to their TU Portal and see what documents have been accepted and/or rejected.

Acceptable Types of Financial Documentation

Bank Statements

ISSS requires a recent (no more than six months old at the time of submission) bank statement. Statement should be in English and demonstrate that funds will be readily available to meet the student’s expenses.

A bank statement is a document issued by your bank that indicates when the account was opened, how much money is in the account and who is the owner of the account.

If the bank statement is not in your name, please complete the “Affidavit of Support” that is contained in our Certificate of Eligibility Application.

Note: The following types of funds cannot be used for I-20 purposes: retirement accounts, property statements, investment account statements, chartered accountant statements, solvency or financial capability certificates, life insurance statements, most solvency statements, and salary statements.

Employment Letters

Individuals who are employed in their home country and who are being sponsored by that company while studying at Temple University must provide proof of same. This should be a company letter indicating the amount of funding that will be provided, how long the funding will be provided and whether or not the funds will be for the employee or his/her child.

Affidavit of Support

An affidavit of support should be submitted if the bank statement is not in the name of the student. It should also be submitted if a sponsor is going to provide room and board to the student. If the room and board will be provided for, the student may deduct “living expenses” from the estimated fees list on page 6.

Any statement regarding financial support must be accompanied by a bank statement.

Assistantship/Scholarship Letters from Temple University

Individuals who will be receiving a scholarship/graduate assistantship must submit a copy of their award letter to ISSS indicating the amount of the funds. If you are entirely dependent upon an assistantship to begin your studies at Temple University, you may wait until you receive confirmation that it has been awarded before you apply for the I-20.

Government Scholarship

Students/Scholars receiving a scholarship from the government in their home country must provide ISSS with a copy of their award letter. ISSS cannot make any assumptions about what costs are included, so students/ scholars need to make sure the letters list every item that will be supported (tuition, living expenses, etc.).

Company Scholarship

Students/scholars who have a company that will be providing them with financial support must provide ISSS with the following:

  1. A statement from the company indicating that they have liquid assets with which to pay the tuition.
  2. A statement from the President or CEO of the company indicating that funds have been set aside for your scholarship.
  3. A list of specific items covered by the scholarship.
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