Vivek Tandon

Profile Picture of Vivek Tandon

Vivek Tandon

  • Fox School of Business and Management

    • Management

      • Associate Professor


Dr. Vivek Tandon joins the Fox School on a Tenure-Track appointment as an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management from the National University of Singapore, where he has led courses on entrepreneurship and technological innovation since 2011.

His research papers have appeared in prominent publications, like The Academy of Management Annals and Organization Science. His dissertation was the runner up in the INFORMS Doctoral Dissertation Award in the Technology, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship section. His research interests include management of innovation, technology strategy, technological search and evolution, inventors’ incentives, and mobility. He also serves on the editorial review boards for Strategic Management Journal and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.

Dr. Tandon earned his PhD in Business Administration, with a specialization in Strategy, from the University of Michigan. He received his Bachelor of Technology degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology.

Research Interests

  • Innovation Strategy
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Alliances
  • Acquisitions
  • Learning

Courses Taught




BA 4101

Global Business Policies


BA 4102

Strategic Management


SGM 5051

Business Strategy in a Global Environment


Selected Publications


  • Tandon, V., Asgari, N., & Ranganathan, R. (2023). Divestment of relational assets following acquisitions: Evidence from thebiopharmaceuticalindustry. Strategic Management Journal, 44(4), 1013-1052. Wiley. doi: 10.1002/smj.3456.

  • Tandon, V. & Toh, P.K. (2022). Who deviates? Technological opportunities, career concern, and inventor's distant search. Strategic Management Journal, 43(4), 724-757. Wiley. doi: 10.1002/smj.3345.

  • Tandon, V., Ertug, G., & Carnabuci, G. (2020). How Do Prior Ties Affect Learning by Hiring? JOURNAL of MANAGEMENT, 46(2), 287-320. 10.1177/0149206318792609