Monica Wadhwa

Profile Picture of Monica Wadhwa

Monica Wadhwa

  • Fox School of Business and Management

    • Marketing

      • Associate Professor

      • Liacouras Research Fellow


Dr. Monica Wadhwa is an Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management. She has received a Ph.D. in Marketing from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Prior to her career in business academia, she has worked in the industry as a management consultant.

Dr. Wadhwa’s research focuses on understanding the motivational and affective determinants of consumer decisions making. Her recent work focuses on uncovering nudges that can motivate consumers to make choices that are better for them from a long term perspective, such as eating healthy, saving more, and being more environmentally friendly.

She has presented her work at various important international marketing conferences and events such as TedX. Her work has been published in leading peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Consumer Research, Psychological Science and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Her work on customer motivation has received a Citation of Excellence award from the Emerald Management Reviews as the top 50 management articles that are known for their novelty, inter-disciplinary interest and current managerial relevance. Her recent work on busy mindsets and self-control has the second highest Altmetric score of all papers published between May 2018 and May 2019; Altmetric score represents “each article’s record of attention, measure of dissemination and indicator of influence and impact.” Popular accounts of her work have been featured in numerous international media outlets including NPR, Harvard Business Review, Le Monde, Chicago Tribune, Daily Mail UK, Sydney Morning Herald, ANI News, Boston Globe, The Huffington Post, and the Atlantic.

Prior to joining Fox School, she was a faculty at INSEAD, where she taught in the full-time MBA and Executive education programs. Additionally, she developed and taught PhD courses on Consumer Behavior and Decision Neuroscience.

Research Interests

  • Motivational determinants of consumer behaviors
  • Affective influences on decision making

Courses Taught




BA 3591

Directed Business Research


MKTG 3596

Consumer and Buyer Behavior


BA 9683

Research Project I


BA 9783

Research Project II


BA 9883

Research Project III


MKTG 9001

Behavioral Science Seminar


Selected Publications


  • Savani, K. & Wadhwa, M. (2024). Choosing not to get anchored: A choice mindset reduces the anchoring bias. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 112, 104575-104575. Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2023.104575.