Melissa Glenn

Profile Picture of Melissa Glenn

Melissa Glenn

  • Fox School of Business and Management

    • Marketing

      • Associate Professor of Practice


Melissa Glenn is Associate Professor of Practice and Deputy Chair of the Department of Marketing at Temple University’s Fox School of Business. She is accomplished in both business communication strategies and creative writing, with emphasis on fiction writing and with over 25 years of industry experience from nonprofit and corporate sectors.

Professor Glenn is an award-winning case writer and uses teaching cases in the classroom to better bridge practice and theory. She is passionate about creative writing and believes that business students can be among some of the most artistic thinkers.

Melissa holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Rosemont College, a MA in Strategic Communication from La Salle University, and a BA in English Literature from Pennsylvania State University, where she also minored in Technical Writing.

Research Interests

  • True diversity in college curriculum (DEI initiatives)
  • Business writing across the curriculum
  • The social significance of storytelling
  • Displacement: A literary exploration of broken families, people through African American histories
  • A Question of Value: A need to increase compensation and competitive roles in higher education
  • Teaching Case: When Diversity Isn’t Enough (a Phila. nonprofit) – pending publication 2023
  • Teaching Case: Closing the Writing Deficiency Gap in Higher Education - pending

Courses Taught




BA 2196

Business Communications


Selected Publications
