Laurel Miller

Profile Picture of Laurel Miller

Laurel Miller

  • Fox School of Business and Management

    • Management Information Systems

      • Associate Professor of Practice


Laurel Miller joins the faculty in the Fox School’s Management Information Systems (MIS) department as a Non-Tenure Track Assistant Professor. She has served as an adjunct faculty member since 2001.

Since 2006, she has served as Director of Temple University’s Institute for Business and Information Technology (IBIT). In this role, she manages external relations for IBIT and the MIS Department, including the Fox IT Symposium Series, the annual Fox School IT Awards, the IBIT membership program, and The IBIT Report, a whitepaper-style series of reports.

Additionally, Laurel oversees the professional development programs for the MIS Department. She coordinates faculty and student projects with corporate and community partners, an industry speaker series, and funding for student scholarships as well as MIS’ student professional organization.

In 2001, Laurel won the ACM Student Organization Outstanding Service Award. She also won the MIS Administrative Leadership Award in 2001 and 2003.

She earned her Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood and Elementary Education and Master of Science in Education degrees from Temple University.

Courses Taught




MIS 2402

Web Application Development


MIS 3581

Co-operative Experience in Management Information Systems


MIS 5001

Information Technology Management


MIS 5001

Managing Information Systems


Selected Publications


  • Mandviwalla, M., Schuff, D., Miller, L., & Chacko, M. (2023). A System to Structure, Measure, and Improve Student Development. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 16(6), 1001-1013. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi: 10.1109/tlt.2023.3320549.