Jagan (Krish) Krishnan

Profile Picture of Jagan (Krish) Krishnan

Jagan (Krish) Krishnan

  • Fox School of Business and Management

    • Accounting

      • Professor

      • Merves Senior Research Fellow


Jagan Krishnan is a Professor and Merves Senior Research Fellow in the department of Accounting. He is the director of the Ph.D. concentration in Accounting and teaches undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral courses in auditing. He has over 30 years of teaching and professional experience in auditing and consulting.

After completing a doctorate at the Ohio State University, he joined Temple in 1991. He is the recipient of the 2003 Musser Award for Leadership in Teaching and the 2000 Beta Alpha Psi Teacher of the Year Award. His research interests include audit quality, corporate governance, auditor litigation, regulation, fraudulent financial reporting, and ESG/CSR activities by accounting firms. He served as an editor of Accounting Horizons, one of the three association-wide journals published by the American Accounting Association, for six years. He also serves or has served on the editorial boards of Review of Accounting Studies, The Accounting Review, Accounting Horizons, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance and Current Issues in Auditing. He has published articles in academic journals including The Accounting Review, Review of Accounting Studies, Contemporary Accounting Research, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Accounting Horizons, Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, and Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. He is listed among prolific auditing researchers by two different studies. Prior to entering academia, he worked in the audit and consulting divisions of affiliates of Ernst & Young and KPMG.

Courses Taught




ACCT 3596



ACCT 9001

Interdisciplinary Accounting Research


ACCT 9011

Proseminar in Accounting


Selected Publications


  • Khavis, J.A., Krishnan, J., & Tipton, C. (2022). Implications of Employee Satisfaction and Work-Life Balance in Accounting Firms. Current Issues in Auditing, 16(1), P16-P26. American Accounting Association. doi: 10.2308/ciia-2021-006.

  • Adams, T., Krishnan, J., & Krishnan, J. (2021). Client influence and auditor independence revisited: Evidence from auditor resignations. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 40(5), 106846-106846. Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.jaccpubpol.2021.106846.

  • Khavis, J. & Krishnan, J. (2021). Employee satisfaction and work-life balance in accounting firms and audit quality. Auditing, 40(2), 161-192. doi: 10.2308/AJPT-18-029.