Jaehwuen Jung

Profile Picture of Jaehwuen Jung

Jaehwuen Jung

  • Fox School of Business and Management

    • Management Information Systems

      • Associate Professor


Dr. JaeHwuen Jung joins the Fox School on a tenure-track appointment within the Department of Management Information Systems, upon completion of his doctoral studies at the University of Minnesota.

The unifying theme of Jung’s research is to examine the casual impact of new technology channels, digital platforms, and technology-enabled features on user behavior and firms’ outcomes. Specifically, he studies social influence at the mechanism level by drawing on theories from economics and social psychology. His research has been published in top IS journals such as Information Systems Research and MIS Quarterly.

His professional experience includes nearly seven years as an information technology application architect. Jung earned his PhD in Information and Decision Sciences from the University of Minnesota. He received a Master of Science degree in Management Engineering and a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

Research Interests

  • Social & Economic Impact of Information Technology
  • Social Influence, Viral Marketing, Matching Market Design, Social Learning, Mobile Internet and E-Commerce
  • Field Experiments, Econometrics, Machine Learning, Structural Modeling, Causal Inference

Courses Taught




MIS 2101

Digital Systems


MIS 2502

Database Management


Selected Publications


  • Jung, J., Lim, H., Lee, D., & Kim, C. (2022). The Secret to Finding a Match: A Field Experiment on Choice Capacity Design in an Online Dating Platform. Information Systems Research, 33(4), 1248-1263. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). doi: 10.1287/isre.2021.1028.

  • Jung, J., Bapna, R., Gupta, A., & Sen, S. (2021). Analyzing the Impact of Incentive Structure on the Diffusion of Mobile Social Games: A Randomized Field Experiment. Journal of Management Information Systems, 38(1), 59-81. Taylor & Francis.

  • Jung, J., Bapna, R., Golden, J.M., & Sun, T. (2020). Words Matter! Toward a Prosocial Call-to-Action for Online Referral: Evidence from Two Field Experiments. Information Systems Research, 31(1), 16-36. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). doi: 10.1287/isre.2019.0873.

  • Jung, J., Bapna, R., Ramaprasad, J., & Umyarov, A. (2019). Love Unshackled: Identifying the Effect of Mobile App Adoption in Online Dating. MIS Quarterly, 43(1), 47-72. MIS Quarterly. doi: 10.25300/misq/2019/14289.