Supporting Entrepreneurs and Business Owners Across the Globe
Fox Management Consulting develops customized entrepreneurship education programs to support entrepreneurs, government and nonprofit organizations, service-providers, and students. Learn more about our three-year partnership with Flinders University.
Fox MC and Flinders University Partner to Deliver Module-Based Entrepreneurship Education
Over the next three years, Fox Management Consulting at Temple University’s Fox School of Business and Flinders University will partner to deliver customized entrepreneurship and innovation education to thousands of Flinders students.
Multiple Fox School of Business departments and programs collaborate to develop the Flinders University curriculum:
- Fox Management Consulting: Provides leadership, relationship development, and project coordination.
- Faculty from the The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute (IEI) at the Fox School of Business: Provides entrepreneurial course content.
- Faculty from the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management (MSCM): Provides course content.
- Fox RoadMap™: Incorporates feedback from faculty, industry executives, and peer- and self-assessments to visualize student progress and development across a number of competencies.
- Fox Online & Digital Learning: Provides instructional design support and video development.
- Fox School’s Department of Marketing, Communications & Graduate Admissions: Promotes the partnership within the university, and with peer institutions and the business community.