- Receive quality assistance and new perspectives on projects requiring business skills.
- Make connections with future potential board members.
- Access new networks of resources and connections through FBF and the Fox School of Business.
- Support current and future business leaders’ involvement and interest in the nonprofit sector.
Benefits for Fellows

- Apply classroom knowledge to real-life strategic and operational challenges.
- Develop management and leadership skills through experiential learning.
- Gain experience working with seasoned professionals from public and private sectors.
- Develop an understanding of nonprofit governance and have an impact on the surrounding community.
Responsibilities for Fellow

- Attend all board meetings and serve 5-10 hours per month on a board committee.
- Attend and assist with special events as required of full board members.
- Identify and complete a project that is related to the board’s work, add value to the nonprofit, and utilize their own experience and expertise.
- Maintain the same standards of confidentiality as other board members.
- Communicate regularly with FBF staff and organization mentor regarding the progress of service and project.
- Participate in FBF training workshops and orientation.
Responsibilities For Partner Nonprofit Organization

- Identify and select a mentor from the board of directors for the Fellow. The mentor should be a current member of the board of directors.
- Identify, in association with the Fellow and the mentor, a project or projects related to the work of the board, in which the Fellow can actively and productively participate.
- Provide the Fellow an orientation to the nonprofit, nonprofit staff and its board of directors.
- Place Fellow on the board mailing list so he/she receives board materials and notices in advance of the board meetings and invitations to special events at the nonprofit.
- Participate in the FBF kickoff event in the fall.
- Attend the Orientation to the Fox Board Fellow Program.
- Complete evaluations (mid-year and end-of-year) sent by Fox Board Fellows.
Responsibilities For Board Mentor

- Help orient the Fellow to board members and unique board and committee structures and practices.
- Meet with the Fellow on a mutually agreeable, regular basis to provide guidance and support.
- Help ensure that the Fellow’s project work contributes to the ongoing needs of the board.
- Attend the Fox Board Fellows orientation program.
- Complete evaluations sent by Fox Board Fellows faculty and program director.