Center for International Business Education and Research

About Us

Temple University’s Fox School of Business created a Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) in October 2002, thanks to a four year grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Because of its excellence in academic research, curriculum development and outreach programs in international business, Temple CIBER, housed at the Fox School of Business, has been renewed five more times with funding through Fall 2026.

Temple CIBER has supported extensive research, including an annual international business research forum and the publication of the Journal of International Management, business outreach, developing international business faculty within Temple and in community colleges and minority serving institutions in the region.

Another central role of the Temple CIBER office is to manage and promote international study abroad and student exchange partnerships with schools in France, Ireland, Mexico, and Ghana in partnership with Temple’s Office of Education Abroad, in addition to Enterprise Management Consulting projects in Israel and Australia, and curricular enhancement of the Fox School’s graduate programs.

The mission of the Temple CIBER is to promote greater involvement in international business activities by academic institutions, business firms, and small and medium size enterprises in the Eastern Pennsylvania, South Jersey and Delaware region. Temple is one of only 16 Universities in the nation to receive this highly competitive grant.

Temple CIBER promotes competitiveness of area businesses in the global marketplace through trade education, further developing the international content of the Fox School curriculum, supporting research in areas of international business, offering language and culture exposure, as well as overseas work and study experiences for Fox School students, all with the goal of fulfilling the following 6 federal mandates:

  1. Be national resources for the teaching of improved business techniques, strategies, and methodologies that emphasize the international context in which business is transacted.
  2. Provide instruction in critical foreign languages and international fields needed to provide an understanding of the cultures and customs of United States trading partners.
  3. Provide research and training in the international aspects of trade, commerce, and other fields of study.
  4. Provide training to students enrolled in the institution, or combinations of institutions, in which a center is located.
  5. Serve as regional resources to businesses proximately located by offering programs and providing research designed to meet the international training needs of these businesses.
  6. Serve other faculty, students and institutions of higher education located within their region.

National CIBER Program

The Centers for International Business Education and Research (CIBERs) were created under the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 to increase and promote the nation’s capacity for international understanding and economic enterprise. Administered by the U.S. Department of Education under Title VI, Part B of the Higher Education Act of 1965, the CIBER program links the manpower and information needs of U.S. business with the international education, language training, and research capacities of universities across the U.S.

Approved universities were designated as centers that serve as regional and national resources to business, students, and academics. Together, the 16 CIBERs form a powerful network focused on improving American competitiveness and providing comprehensive service and programs that help U.S. business succeed in global markets.


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